Homecoming and The Breaking of Ancestral Curses
We can no longer maintain the burdensome cultural narratives we inherited that now exist as ancestral curses. The internal moral compass must be reclaimed for us to embark on this journey as kin.
Autumn is a season for grieving and celebrating. The leaves descend in a grand display of color, a cyclic adornment before the bareness of winter sets in. We celebrate the hard work put in during the warmer months and harvest cornucopia we have to show for it, if we are lucky enough to touch soil, plant seeds and reap harvests. That’s a real role-reversal! This industrialist economy we are trapped in has us believing that privilege is to don a suit and sit at a desk for 8-10 hours to wither under artificial light in order to bring home a paycheck for food that has no life-force in its cells. Maybe we’d find more nutritional value consuming paper napkins. At least we’d get fiber.
Another central feature of the autumn season is our celebrations of ancestors. Similar to touching the soil and feeling the win of the harvest, we are gravely disconnected from the seasonal rhythm of welcoming our ancestors home. During this time, the veil between the earthly realm and the spirit realm is as thin as it gets and even the untrained living ancestor can access their relations with ease. They come to be a part of the harvest celebration. They come to help us winterize for the restful season and be a part of our healing and dreaming. Though they no longer reside in a karmic body, we are kin and we are connected.
The experiment that was the age of Enlightenment has run its course. Science has provided so many insights into our origins, our evolution and what existence is made of, that we have outgrown our identity narratives.
The humans of earth are currently fractured. The experiment that was the age of Enlightenment has run its course. Science has provided so many insights into our origins, our evolution and what existence is made of, that we have outgrown our identity narratives. In public/social media spaces people are declaring we are living in a time of great change and revolution. Perhaps, but if we accurately map where our current circumstances are in the timeline of Earth Changes/paradigm shift, we are embodying a time of reckoning.
There is no absolute creator being to blame here, just the cumulative actions of humans that have coalesced into points of inevitability. We can no longer maintain the burdensome cultural narratives we inherited that now play out as ancestral curses. Decolonization is not a pathway to liberation, it is a set of tools used to name, define and analyze how we got ourselves here. Decolonization praxis is a mapping of the terrain of cultural systems that divide, exploit and harm. One of the facets of decolonization is cultivating the ability to hold up the mirror to one’s self and see how these systems of oppression have been internalized. Without this essential survival tool, we will be lost on the path. The internal moral compass must be reclaimed in order for us to embark on this journey as kin.
We are living through the reckoning of Imperialism while still under its grip.
One can observe the integrity of our current civilization paradigm beginning to crack and fissure. We are living through the reckoning of Imperialism while still under its grip. Globalization acts as an accelerant in terms of exchange of ideas and information, physical movement of people voluntary and forced, and expansive economics through exploitative systems of trade. With the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the globe, most of us are living in a pressure-cooker environment where it is impossible to work enough to provide for everything one requires and show up for other aspects of life like the caretaking of others. Weave in these old narratives with declining mental health and we have the recipe for our current status.
This paradigm only works because of the profiteering of capitalism and intentionally crafted narratives of ancestral survival.
Sadly, war in modernity has been the main catalyst in development and innovation. This paradigm only works because of the profiteering of capitalism and intentionally crafted narratives of ancestral survival. Modernity is defined by ownership, individualism and a complete disregard for the non-renewable status of our natural resources. It also requires a framework of thinking that some bodies are expendable and can be sacrificed in order to maintain control. The incentive for the masses is that if we continue to surrender to this way of thinking we will be kept safe.
Stuck on a merry-go-round of inherited narratives, despite our cries of justice and solidarity, we entrench further into divide and fracture. We humans are lost in a battlefield of ideals with diminished means of defining our values and standing with integrity in our ethics. Made to feel hopeless and disempowered to change anything, this chronic apathy is the desired outcome of those who continue to be warmongers and profiteers. This moment of fracturing cannot last forever, simply because eventually the vessel will break under pressure. Given the current mental health of humanity, that is a serious prospect.
Every day is an opportunity for you to see how this hierarchical system of oppression has entrenched itself in your mind and body. It is an opportunity to see the beliefs that have come though your ancestral lines as the blessings and curses received. In the season of ancestral homecoming, include this aspect in your rituals. What curses need to be broken? What stories have you inherited that are rooted in survival that do not serve you or the collective at this time? How can you expand your sense of kin beyond your bloodline? How can you hold up the mirror towards yourself and see how oppressive systems have been internalized? How can you continue to show up for justice through your gifts, voice and body?
The Ancestors are part of our support system, connect with them in meaningful ways. Do not give into the paralysis and apathy fam, get into action!